Halloween! 🎃👻

Some people love Christmas, some people love Easter, but I love Halloween! Halloween is my favorite holiday for multiple reasons! Here are MY reasons on why Halloween is the best holiday.

  1. You get to dress up!
  2. Halloween movies are AMAZING (in my opinion)
  3. you get to eat a bunch of candy for FREE! I mean who doesn’t love candy?
  4. you get to hangout with your friends, and go trick or treating
  5. you can trick people without getting in trouble 😈

Although I love Halloween a lot of people don’t. It could be because of religious reasons or you just don’t like the scary costumes. For instance my grandma HATES Halloween because it goes against her religion. You can also be religious but also love Halloween, Halloween doesn’t get to define who you are.

My favorite part of Halloween is the costumes. I love deciding what costumes I want to be and being creative with what I choose. This year I decided to be Perry the Platypus from the iconic show Phineas and Pherb.

Here is a photo of my costume!

(photo taken by a 6th grade student)

The History Of Halloween:

Halloween first became a holiday in the 19th century. The tradition started as an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. It was believed that on October 31st, ghosts of the dead would return to earth. In order to scare off the ghosts, people would dress up in scary costumes, and light up bonfires, creating the holiday we now call Halloween!

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